TRUBOR Online opens a number of video lectures related to IP protection in the Russian pharmaceutical sector (in Russian)

"Open University" policy today is one of the important areas of the pharmaceutical sector development. Therefore, the Federal Institution of Industrial Property allowed publication of the key video-lectures from its online education course "Specifics of Intellectual Property Rights Protection in the Russian Pharmaceutical Sector", developed in April 2019. Inter alia, the following online materials have become available on TRUBOR Online:

Video lecture 1. IPR protection in the Russian pharmaceutical sector: general issues

This video briefly describes the key sources of law and structure of the government stakeholders, as well as the purposes of patent protection in the Russian pharmaceutical sector. This video analyses the key IP regulatory challenges and the basic discrepancies in the regulatory environment, related to IPR protection in the Russian pharmaceutical sector.

Video lecture 2. Patent linkage system and preliminary perspectives of its application in Russia

This video briefly describes patent linkage system and related international regulatory experience. This video also analyses the possible applicability of some patent linkage elements in Russia.

Video lecture 3. Court practice related to patent protection in the Russian pharmaceutical sector: key gaps and collisions

This video provides analysis of the developments in court practice related to patent infringement cases in the Russian pharmaceutical sector since 2015 until 2019. This video also describes the key associated regulatory gaps and collisions as well as the possible ways to improve the regulatory framework. This video also analyses the best international practices related to assessment of "patient benefits" in order to improve the current standards of proof applied in Russia.

Video lecture 4. Assessment of dependent inventions, related to medicines, in the context of paragraph 2 article 1362 of the Russian Civil Code

This video provides description of the possible methodological approaches for assessment of dependent inventions, related to medicines, for the purposes of compulsory licensing issue.

Video lecture 5. Regulatory data protection and its specifics

This video describes regulatory data protection (RDP) as a sector-specific instrument. This video provides information on the history and purposes of RDP and describes differences between RDP and commercial secret regime. This video also analyses the RDP regulations in Russia and possible harmonization perspectives.

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